After attending the #FallCUE Conference in American Canyon, CA this past weekend, I was inspired by the #Hyperdocs workshop that I attended. They taught me how they present lessons using hyperlinks with a focus on Universal Design for Learning. The focus was on packaging a well-designed lesson that moves students strategically through the components of effective lesson design while offering them choices for input of information, as well differentiation built -in for our different learning types, AND offering choices for assessment. Of course, I couldn't wait to get started using #Hyperdocs in my English 12 class this week. I took our Study Sync Essential Question for the quarter and developed a lesson that allowed students to answer the question using their personal background information, then allowed them to explore a variety of sources that discuss that topic, further respond to the topic using their new "insight," and lastly curate a list of 5 songs that express a response to the essential question. Thank you for the package in which to design a well-planned learning experience for my students @lhighfill @kellyihilton @saralandis For more information and resources, check out their book THe Hyperdoc Handbook
The assessment component came straight from another great workshop I attended this weekend called Cue the Remix: Integrating Design Thinking and ELA. Their 5 song playlist idea was phenomenal! Thank you @trustahoodlum @Chclteteacher @weberswords #theintelligenthoodlums
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